
07.02.2018 19:35

AElelayswava (

The ED due to that surgery may be either temporary or permanent. He is content, along with the the complete opposite of what we think later years has in store for us.

26.08.2017 06:56

AOxilsRagsailm (

By dealing together, the two of you can address problems of self-esteem and mutual trust. Thus, in the event the muscles inside penile area are relaxed, more blood will enter in the penis and a hardon will occur.

13.02.2013 00:29

Dan (

No tak koukej popsatnove cesty! Jsem opet zvedav, jake to bylo.
Jinak te zdravim z Aucklandu. Jiz druhy rok tu prezivam :) a cestuji :))
Na autoskolu si ani nevzpomenu...
Ahoj Dan

12.01.2012 12:50

Zdeněk Suchý

Zdar pardále, co kdybys zaktualizoval web a podělil se o fotky z loňské cesty do Indie? Jinak rád sem chodím si spravit oko a zahledět na krásný fotky z cizích krajin.

17.10.2011 21:22

miki (

klobouk dolu.dobre se to cte-hezky fotky.musel to bejt velice zajimavý vylet.chystate se opet nekam na vylet???

20.07.2010 19:19

Jan (

Hi Ahmed..
Click on " fotky z cest " - " Iran " there is it...

25.06.2010 22:09

ahmad (

where is location my photos ?
please, english writing you web.

25.06.2010 22:06

ahmad (

where is location my photos ?
please, english writing you web.

25.06.2010 22:05

ahmda (

hey, how are u?
please, my foto I do not see in your site!!!!!!!!!!

16.12.2009 18:36


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